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All config file options

Constants and variables

#editcategorytypepurposeallowed values default
1fckimages_dircompositionconstantLocation for uploading images in the FCKeditorDirectory name in the "lists" directoryuploadimages
2access_control_allow_originssecurityconstantBlock requests from an incorrect location, but allow multiple domainsarray of domainsundefined
3allow_updateradminconstantEnable Automatic Updatertrue, falsetrue
4language_auto_updatei18nconstantAutomatically update translations when the filesystem file is newer than the last updatetrue falsetrue
5bounce_mailbox_purge_unprocessedbounce managementvariableDelete bounces from the mailbox that were not matched to be for a campaign or subscriber (unidentified bounce)true false 0 1true
6bounce_mailbox_purgebounce managementvariabledelete bounces from the mailbox once they have been processedtrue false 0 1true
7merge_duplicates_delete_duplicatesubscriber managementconstantWhen merging duplicate subscribers, remove the duplicatetrue falsetrue
8use_precedence_headerrenderingconstantUse the Precedence: header in outgoing mailstrue false 0 1true
9allow_importsubscriber managementconstantEnable import functionalitytrue false 0 1true
10show_unsubscribelinksubscriptionconstantShow a link to the unsubscribe page on the subscribe pagetrue falsetrue
11silent_resubscribesubscriptionconstantAllow existing subscribers to re-subscribe without throwing an error.true false 0 1true
12use_minified_assetsconstantWhen displaying pages use the minified version of the CSS and JS files.true falsetrue
13hash_algosecurityconstantThe hash method to use when hashing passwordsany algorithm accepted in your PHP system, see
14encryption_algosecurityconstantThe encryption method to use when encrypting passwordsany algorithm accepted in your PHP system, see
15htmlemail_encodingrenderingconstantSet the transfer encoding for the HTML part of the generated messages8bit 7bit base64 quoted-printablequoted-printable
16bounce_protocolbounce managementvariableWhat method to use to fetch bouncespop mboxpop
17usertable_prefixsystemvariableprefix for subscriber related datastringphplist_user_
18admin_auth_moduleauthenticationvariableclass for authentication of the administratorclass
19table_prefixsystemvariableprefix for all table namesstringphplist_
20stats_collection_addressfeedbackvariableEmail address to send the statistics report toemail
21installation_namesystemvariableName a phpList installation to be able to distinguish different installationsstringphpList
22user_wwwrootsystemconstantfix the URL for the public pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
23admin_wwwrootsystemconstantfix the URL for the admin pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
24aws_secretkeyawsconstantSecret key for sending with Amazon SESstringno value
25phpmailerportsystemconstantThe port number for the SMTP connection to PHPMAILERHOSTintegerno value
26phpmailer_smtppasswordsystemvariableSMTP authentication passwordstringno value
27phpmailer_smtpusersystemvariableSTMP Authentication usernamestringno value
28attachment_repositorysystemvariableLocation where uploaded files are storedA webserver writable pathno value
29message_envelopebounce managementvariableThe email address where bounces will goone single valid email addressno value
30aws_accesskeyidawsconstantThe access key for using Amazon SESno value
31clicktrack_linkmapstatisticsconstantDefine a mod-rewrite mapping of clicked linksA sensible stringno value
32tinymcepathcompositionconstantno value
33phpmailerhostsystemconstantSMTP host for sending messagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostno value
34plugin_rootdirsconstantSemi-colon separated list of directories to look for plugins.Text, pointing to the value
35database_moduledatabasevariablethe file holding the database
36sendprocess_servernamequeue processingconstantString to identify a send processany textlocalhost
37uploadimages_dircompositionconstantLocation of a webserver-writable folder for storing images.Any name of a directoryimages
38aws_posturlawsconstantThe URL for Amazon AWS
39tld_auth_md5systemconstantThe MD5 of the TLD_AUTH_LISTAny URL
40tld_auth_listsystemconstantURL that returns a list of valid Top Level DomainsAny URL
41translations_xmli18nconstantLocation where translations can be fetched and refreshedA URL that returns a valid XML
42access_control_allow_originsecurityconstantBlock requests from an incorrect locationhttp://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
43admin_protocolconstantenforce HTTPS on admin pageshttp httpshttp
45public_protocolsystemconstantSet the protocol for public pages.http httpshttp
46show_pqchoicequeue processingconstantEnable remote cron processing choicetrue, false, 0, 1false (Jan 2015)
47embedexternalimagescompositionconstantpull external images and embed them in campaignstrue falsefalse
48processcampaigns_parallelqueue processingconstantWhen processing multiple campaigns, send them in paralleltrue, false, 0, 1false
49nostatscollectionfeedbackconstantSwitch off collection of statistics0 1 true falsefalse
50show_list_ofall_subscriberssegmentationconstantOn the list and members page, show a static "list" that has all subscribers in the system as memberstrue false 1 0false
51database_connection_ssldatabasevariableUse SSL when connecting to the databasetrue falsefalse
52database_connection_compressiondatabasevariableUse compression in the mySql database connectiontrue falsefalse
53keepforwarderattributessocial networkingconstantUse the attributes of the subscriber for placeholder when forwarding a messagetrue false 0 1false
54forward_alternative_contentsocial networkingconstantEnter different content for the message that is forwardedtrue false 0 1false
55rfc_direct_deliverysubscriptionconstantDirect delivery of the request for confirmationtrue false 0 1false
56send_listadmin_copysystemconstantSend a notification to the owner of a listtrue false 0 1false
57export_excelsubscriber managementconstantFormat the export file to allow use in Microsoft Exceltrue falsefalse
58use_manual_text_partcompositionconstantManually enter the text version of the campaigntrue falsefalse
59unsubscribe_jumpoffsubscriptionconstantImmediately unsubscribe someone when they click the Unsubscribe link in an email message they received, without asking them first why they are unsubscribing.true false 1 0false
60unsubscribe_requires_passwordsecurityconstantRequest a valid password before acting on unsubscribe.true false 0 1false
61devsitesystemconstantRun phpList in development modetrue falsefalse
62verboseconstantDisplay more information about what phpList is doing, including log entries for every email that is senttrue falsefalse
63language_modulei18nvariableThe default language for the frontendany of the files in lists/texts/
64default_system_languagei18nvariableLanguage to use when it cannot be determined from the contextISO code of the languageen
65plugins_disabledsystemvariableDisable selected pluginsarray of plugin namesempty array
66noteditableconfigadminvariableSuppress certain config values from being editable in the admin pages.array of valuesempty array
67allowed_referrerssecurityvariableDomains that can refer to the phpList systemarray of domainsempty array
68uisystemvariableUser Interfaceany subdirectory in admin/ui/dressprow
69phpmailer_securerenderingconstantSet the Secure option in phpMailerauto tls ssl falseauto
70default_mimetypecompositionconstantFallback for the mimetype when it could not be determineda sensible mimetypeapplication/octet-stream
71export_mimetypesubscriber managementvariableThe mime-type sent to the browser for the export filea mime-typeapplication/csv
72phpmailerblastportqueue processingconstantThe port to use with PHPMAILERBLASTHOSTA working portPHPMAILERPORT
73phpmailersubscribehostsystemconstantSMTP host for sending messages that originate from the subscribe pagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostPHPMAILERHOST
74phpmailertesthostcompositionconstantThe SMTP server to use when sending a test mailthe FQDN of the SMTP serverPHPMAILERHOST
75phpmailerblasthostqueue processingconstantSMTP server to use when sending the actual campaignThe FQDB of the serverPHPMAILERHOST
76max_processqueue_timequeue processingconstantLimit the time that can be used to process the queueAny number99999
77sendtest_maxsecurityconstantLimit the number of email addresses that can be used in the send test functionalityAny number999
78textemail_encodingrenderingconstantSet the transfer encoding for the text part of an outgoing message7bit 8bit7bit
79default_messageagequeue processingconstantAmount of time to allow sending a campaign, until it is considered too oldAny sensible number604800
80message_sendstatus_sampletimequeue processingconstantThe number of second to sample for a running campaign, to calculate the send speedAny positive number600
81max_user_ppconstantLimit the amount of results listed in a pagepositive number50
82max_msg_ppconstantLimit the amount of results listed in a pagepositive number5
83bounce_unsubscribe_thresholdsubscriber managementvariableHow many consecutive bounces to consider before marking a subscriber unconfirmedInteger5
84blacklist_gracetimesubscriber managementconstantNumber of minutes to allow sending a message after blacklisting a subscriberinteger5
85import_filesizesubscriber managementconstantMaximum size of an import fileNumber (in MB)5
86smtp_timeoutqueue processingconstantTimeout when sending a mail with SMTPAny number5
87max_process_messagequeue processingconstantHow many campaigns to process at the same timeAny positive number5
88blacklist_email_on_bouncebounce managementconstantAdd an address to the blacklist when it has bounced too many timesAny number5
89remote_url_refetch_timeoutsystemconstantHow long to keep a remote URL in cache before fetching it againAny number greater than 03600 (one hour)
90mailqueue_batch_periodqueue processingconstantThe time allowed for sending a batch.Any number3600
91email_address_validation_levelsubscriber managementconstantA choice of level of validation of an email address0, 1, 2, 3, 43
92max_avatar_sizesubscriber managementconstantSize of file for avatarAny sensible number2000
93date_start_yearsegmentationconstantSet the start year for any date dropdownAny recent year1900
94tld_refetch_timeoutsystemconstantRefresh time for automatically updating the list of TLDsAny number15552000
95message_sendstatus_inactivethresholdqueue processingconstantHow soon to say a campaign being sent is "stalled" or not sendingAny number120
96domain_batch_periodqueue processingconstantTime frame for domain throttlingAny number larger than 1120
97userspage_maxsubscriber managementconstantSuppress the listing of subscribers when there are more than this valueNumber1000
98attributevalue_reorder_limitsegmentationconstantdisallow ordering the attribute values where there are more than this amountnumber100
99resetstats_maxconstantdisallow resetting statistics when this value has been reachedpositive number10
100forward_email_periodsocial networkingconstantLimit the time period for reaching the maximum forwarding amountA valid mySQL INTERVAL value1 day
101password_change_timeframesecurityconstantTime allowed for an admin to use the token to change their password.A valid mySQL INTERVAL value1 day
102require_loginsecurityvariableActivate the authentication system0 11
103forward_email_countsocial networkingconstantNumber of email addresses allowed to enter when forwarding a messageA number1
104sendtest_throttlesecurityconstantLimit the use of the send test functionalityAny number1
105add_email_throttlesecurityconstantLimit the use of the Add email in the send test functionalityAny number1
106allow_deletebouncebounce managementconstantEnable deletion of bouncestrue false 0 11
107check_referrersecurityconstantVerify that the referring web page is allowedtrue false 0 11
108maxlistsegmentationconstantThe maximum number of lists a non-superuser administrator can haveAny positive number1
109max_sendprocessesqueue processingconstantNumber of simultaneous sending processes allowed11
110encrypt_admin_passwordssecurityconstantEnable encryption of admin passwordstrue false 0 11
111manually_process_bouncesbounce managementconstantProcess the bounces in the admin interfacetrue false 0 11
112always_add_usertrackstatisticsconstantAlways add the tracking image to campaignstrue false 0 11
113notify_spamanti-spamconstantSend an alert when spam was blockedtrue false 0 11
114use_spam_blockanti-spamconstantBlock spammers from signing uptrue false 0 11
115send_one_testmailcompositionconstantSend one test email when using the test functionalitytrue false 0 11
116use_admin_details_for_messagescompositionconstantPre-fill the From field when creating a campaign, with the details of the administrator logged intrue false 0 11
117language_switchadminconstantAllow changing language using a dropdowntrue false 0 11
118domain_batch_sizequeue processingconstantAmount of mails to allow being sent to the same domain in the indicated timeAny number larger than 01
119clicktrackstatisticsconstantEnable tracking of clicks in campaigns via URL rewritingtrue false 0 11
120warn_savechangescompositionconstantWarn when changing page and there are unsaved changestrue false 0 11
121check_sessionipsecurityconstantVerify the session of the logged in administratortrue false 0 11
122manually_process_queuequeue processingconstantSend queued messages from the admin interface.true false 0 11
123numattachmentscompositionconstantHow many attachments to allow uploading in one go.Any positive number1
124warn_about_php_settingsconstantDisplay a warning if some PHP settings are not as desiredtrue false 0 11
125phpmailersystemconstantUse phpMailer for sendingtrue false 0 11
126usefckcompositionconstantUse the FCKeditor for creating campaignstrue false 0 11
127testconstantTry the system without sending any emails.true false 0 11
128registerfeedbackconstantLet the phpList developers get a little bit of feedback on the use of phpList by retrieving the "Powered By" image from the phpList websitetrue false 0 11
129forward_personal_note_sizesocial networkingconstantAllow a personal note to be added when forwarding a messageA number (size in bytes)0 (disable)
130async_request_intervalsystemconstantcreate a delay between Ajax requests on a pageany number > 00
131check_for_hostsubscriber managementvariableVerify that the HOST part of an email address is a deliverable domaintrue false 0 10
132wordwrap_htmlrenderingconstantApply line wrapA number0
133block_pasted_clicktracklinkscompositionconstantDetect clicktrack links in the content and block sending the campaign if foundtrue false 0 10
134messagequeue_preparequeue processingconstantRun the queue in a two-process waytrue false 0 10
135embeduploadimagesrenderingconstantAdd uploaded images as embedded images when sendingtrue false 0 10
136preferencepage_show_private_listssegmentationconstantWhen a subscriber is viewing their preferences page, show all lists, not just the public onestrue false 0 10
137db_translationi18nconstantNo ideatrue false0
138unblacklist_in_profilesubscriber managementconstantAdd a link to remove a subscriber from the blacklist in their profiletrue false 0 10
139date_end_yearsegmentationconstantSet the end year for any date dropdownany sensible year0
140use_advanced_bouncehandlingbounce managementconstantAllow fine grained regular expressions to determine what to do with bounced messages.true false 0 10
141domain_auto_throttlequeue processingconstantAuto throttle sending to domainstrue false 0 10
142use_domain_throttlequeue processingconstantEnable throttling per domaintrue false 0 10
143clicktrack_showdetailstatisticsconstantShow more detail in the statistics when tracking clickstrue false 0 10
144stacked_attribute_selectionsegmentationconstantUse stacking of attribute segmentationtrue false 0 10
145use_list_excludesegmentationconstantAllow selection of lists NOT to send a campaign totrue false 0 10
146use_prepareconstantUse the prepare systemtrue false 0 10
147mailqueue_autothrottlequeue processingconstantAutomatically slow down sending the queue to spread the batch size across the batch period.true false 1 00
148mailqueue_throttlequeue processingconstantAdd a delay between messages to avoid overloading the server.Any number, even fractions0
149mailqueue_batch_sizequeue processingconstantBatch processingA number higher or equal to 00
150allow_non_list_subscribesubscriptionconstantDo not require choosing a list to subscribe totrue false 0 10
151use_editmessageconstantAllow editing a campaign0 10
152use_repetitioncompositionconstantAdd the functionality to repeat campaignstrue false 0 10
153filesystem_attachmentscompositionconstantAllow adding attachments from the filesystem of the server phpList is running ontrue false 0 10
154askforpasswordsecurityconstantAsk subscribers to enter a password for their profile when they registertrue false 0 10
155useckcompositionconstantUse the CKeditor for creating campaignstrue false 0 10
156pagetextcreditssubscriptionconstantUse text credits for phpList on pages, instead of an imagetrue false 0 10
157emailtextcreditsrenderingconstantUse text credits for phpList in emails, instead of an imagetrue false 0 10
158allow_attachmentscompositionconstantChange ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS from 0 to 1 to turn on attachment support. You'll note on the send a message page that there's an additional tab labeled Attach. Click on this tab while preparing your message to add attachments. The attachment tab will display the current (server-set) size limits and allow you to browse for new files to attach. Attachments on text format messages are accessed via a URL included at the bottom of the message. Since phpList 3.4.2 those links will open attachements directly from the browser.0 1 true false0
159use_pdfconstantEnable the automatic conversion to PDF functionality0 10
160tmpdirsystemvariableLocation to place temporary files, when neededwritable path for webserver/tmp
161pagerootsystemvariableLocation of phpList in relation to the web server roota valid path/lists/
162mimetypes_filecompositionconstantFile containing the Mime-types of binary filesstring pointing to a file with mime-types/etc/mime.types
163empty_value_prefixsegmentationconstantSet a dropdown prefix which indicates no valueA short string--
164phpmailer_smtpoptionssendingvariablepass smtpoptions to phpMailerany valid smtpoptions for phpMailer
165error404pagesystemconstantAllow a custom file-not-found pagefilename in webroot
166use_personalised_remoteurlsrenderingconstantNot sure
167use_local_spoolqueue processingconstantExperimental, do not use
168use_amazonsesawsconstantDetermine whether to send with Amazon SESdo not set this value
170stats_intervalstatisticsconstantNot sure