meta data for this page
All config file options
Constants and variables
- admin
- anti-spam
- authentication
- aws
- bounce management
- composition
- database
- feedback
- i18n
- queue processing
- rendering
- security
- segmentation
- sending
- social networking
- statistics
- subscriber management
- subscription
- system
# | edit | category | type | ↓ purpose | allowed values | default |
1 | attribute_values | geography | ||||
2 | dataentry | constant | http | |||
3 | usetinymcemesg | constant | ||||
4 | usetinymcetempl | constant | ||||
5 | tinymcepath | composition | constant | no value | ||
6 | send_queue_processing_report | |||||
7 | email_address_validation_level | subscriber management | constant | A choice of level of validation of an email address | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 | 3 |
8 | require_login | security | variable | Activate the authentication system | 0 1 | 1 |
9 | mailqueue_throttle | queue processing | constant | Add a delay between messages to avoid overloading the server. | Any number, even fractions | 0 |
10 | unblacklist_in_profile | subscriber management | constant | Add a link to remove a subscriber from the blacklist in their profile | true false 0 1 | 0 |
11 | blacklist_email_on_bounce | bounce management | constant | Add an address to the blacklist when it has bounced too many times | Any number | 5 |
12 | use_repetition | composition | constant | Add the functionality to repeat campaigns | true false 0 1 | 0 |
13 | embeduploadimages | rendering | constant | Add uploaded images as embedded images when sending | true false 0 1 | 0 |
14 | error404page | system | constant | Allow a custom file-not-found page | filename in webroot | |
15 | forward_personal_note_size | social networking | constant | Allow a personal note to be added when forwarding a message | A number (size in bytes) | 0 (disable) |
16 | filesystem_attachments | composition | constant | Allow adding attachments from the filesystem of the server phpList is running on | true false 0 1 | 0 |
17 | language_switch | admin | constant | Allow changing language using a dropdown | true false 0 1 | 1 |
18 | use_editmessage | constant | Allow editing a campaign | 0 1 | 0 | |
19 | silent_resubscribe | subscription | constant | Allow existing subscribers to re-subscribe without throwing an error. | true false 0 1 | true |
20 | use_advanced_bouncehandling | bounce management | constant | Allow fine grained regular expressions to determine what to do with bounced messages. | true false 0 1 | 0 |
21 | use_list_exclude | segmentation | constant | Allow selection of lists NOT to send a campaign to | true false 0 1 | 0 |
22 | always_add_usertrack | statistics | constant | Always add the tracking image to campaigns | true false 0 1 | 1 |
23 | domain_batch_size | queue processing | constant | Amount of mails to allow being sent to the same domain in the indicated time | Any number larger than 0 | 1 |
24 | default_messageage | queue processing | constant | Amount of time to allow sending a campaign, until it is considered too old | Any sensible number | 604800 |
25 | wordwrap_html | rendering | constant | Apply line wrap | A number | 0 |
26 | askforpassword | security | constant | Ask subscribers to enter a password for their profile when they register | true false 0 1 | 0 |
27 | domain_auto_throttle | queue processing | constant | Auto throttle sending to domains | true false 0 1 | 0 |
28 | mailqueue_autothrottle | queue processing | constant | Automatically slow down sending the queue to spread the batch size across the batch period. | true false 1 0 | 0 |
29 | language_auto_update | i18n | constant | Automatically update translations when the filesystem file is newer than the last update | true false | true |
30 | mailqueue_batch_size | queue processing | constant | Batch processing | A number higher or equal to 0 | 0 |
31 | access_control_allow_origin | security | constant | Block requests from an incorrect location | http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] | |
32 | access_control_allow_origins | security | constant | Block requests from an incorrect location, but allow multiple domains | array of domains | undefined |
33 | use_spam_block | anti-spam | constant | Block spammers from signing up | true false 0 1 | 1 |
34 | allow_attachments | composition | constant | Change ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS from 0 to 1 to turn on attachment support. You'll note on the send a message page that there's an additional tab labeled Attach. Click on this tab while preparing your message to add attachments. The attachment tab will display the current (server-set) size limits and allow you to browse for new files to attach. Attachments on text format messages are accessed via a URL included at the bottom of the message. Since phpList 3.4.2 those links will open attachements directly from the browser. | 0 1 true false | 0 |
35 | clicktrack_linkmap | statistics | constant | Define a mod-rewrite mapping of clicked links | A sensible string | no value |
36 | bounce_mailbox_purge_unprocessed | bounce management | variable | Delete bounces from the mailbox that were not matched to be for a campaign or subscriber (unidentified bounce) | true false 0 1 | true |
37 | block_pasted_clicktracklinks | composition | constant | Detect clicktrack links in the content and block sending the campaign if found | true false 0 1 | 0 |
38 | use_amazonses | aws | constant | Determine whether to send with Amazon SES | do not set this value | |
39 | rfc_direct_delivery | subscription | constant | Direct delivery of the request for confirmation | true false 0 1 | false |
40 | plugins_disabled | system | variable | Disable selected plugins | array of plugin names | empty array |
41 | warn_about_php_settings | constant | Display a warning if some PHP settings are not as desired | true false 0 1 | 1 | |
42 | verbose | constant | Display more information about what phpList is doing, including log entries for every email that is sent | true false | false | |
43 | allow_non_list_subscribe | subscription | constant | Do not require choosing a list to subscribe to | true false 0 1 | 0 |
44 | allowed_referrers | security | variable | Domains that can refer to the phpList system | array of domains | empty array |
45 | stats_collection_address | feedback | variable | Email address to send the statistics report to | email address | |
46 | allow_updater | admin | constant | Enable Automatic Updater | true, false | true |
47 | allow_deletebounce | bounce management | constant | Enable deletion of bounces | true false 0 1 | 1 |
48 | encrypt_admin_passwords | security | constant | Enable encryption of admin passwords | true false 0 1 | 1 |
49 | allow_import | subscriber management | constant | Enable import functionality | true false 0 1 | true |
50 | show_pqchoice | queue processing | constant | Enable remote cron processing choice | true, false, 0, 1 | false (Jan 2015) |
51 | use_pdf | constant | Enable the automatic conversion to PDF functionality | 0 1 | 0 | |
52 | use_domain_throttle | queue processing | constant | Enable throttling per domain | true false 0 1 | 0 |
53 | clicktrack | statistics | constant | Enable tracking of clicks in campaigns via URL rewriting | true false 0 1 | 1 |
54 | forward_alternative_content | social networking | constant | Enter different content for the message that is forwarded | true false 0 1 | false |
55 | use_local_spool | queue processing | constant | Experimental, do not use | ||
56 | default_mimetype | composition | constant | Fallback for the mimetype when it could not be determined | a sensible mimetype | application/octet-stream |
57 | mimetypes_file | composition | constant | File containing the Mime-types of binary files | string pointing to a file with mime-types | /etc/mime.types |
58 | export_excel | subscriber management | constant | Format the export file to allow use in Microsoft Excel | true false | false |
59 | remote_url_refetch_timeout | system | constant | How long to keep a remote URL in cache before fetching it again | Any number greater than 0 | 3600 (one hour) |
60 | numattachments | composition | constant | How many attachments to allow uploading in one go. | Any positive number | 1 |
61 | max_process_message | queue processing | constant | How many campaigns to process at the same time | Any positive number | 5 |
62 | bounce_unsubscribe_threshold | subscriber management | variable | How many consecutive bounces to consider before marking a subscriber unconfirmed | Integer | 5 |
63 | message_sendstatus_inactivethreshold | queue processing | constant | How soon to say a campaign being sent is "stalled" or not sending | Any number | 120 |
64 | unsubscribe_jumpoff | subscription | constant | Immediately unsubscribe someone when they click the Unsubscribe link in an email message they received, without asking them first why they are unsubscribing. | true false 1 0 | false |
65 | default_system_language | i18n | variable | Language to use when it cannot be determined from the context | ISO code of the language | en |
66 | register | feedback | constant | Let the phpList developers get a little bit of feedback on the use of phpList by retrieving the "Powered By" image from the phpList website | true false 0 1 | 1 |
67 | max_user_pp | constant | Limit the amount of results listed in a page | positive number | 50 | |
68 | max_msg_pp | constant | Limit the amount of results listed in a page | positive number | 5 | |
69 | sendtest_max | security | constant | Limit the number of email addresses that can be used in the send test functionality | Any number | 999 |
70 | forward_email_period | social networking | constant | Limit the time period for reaching the maximum forwarding amount | A valid mySQL INTERVAL value | 1 day |
71 | max_processqueue_time | queue processing | constant | Limit the time that can be used to process the queue | Any number | 99999 |
72 | add_email_throttle | security | constant | Limit the use of the Add email in the send test functionality | Any number | 1 |
73 | sendtest_throttle | security | constant | Limit the use of the send test functionality | Any number | 1 |
74 | fckimages_dir | composition | constant | Location for uploading images in the FCKeditor | Directory name in the "lists" directory | uploadimages |
75 | uploadimages_dir | composition | constant | Location of a webserver-writable folder for storing images. | Any name of a directory | images |
76 | pageroot | system | variable | Location of phpList in relation to the web server root | a valid path | /lists/ |
77 | tmpdir | system | variable | Location to place temporary files, when needed | writable path for webserver | /tmp |
78 | translations_xml | i18n | constant | Location where translations can be fetched and refreshed | A URL that returns a valid XML | |
79 | attachment_repository | system | variable | Location where uploaded files are stored | A webserver writable path | no value |
80 | use_manual_text_part | composition | constant | Manually enter the text version of the campaign | true false | false |
81 | import_filesize | subscriber management | constant | Maximum size of an import file | Number (in MB) | 5 |
82 | installation_name | system | variable | Name a phpList installation to be able to distinguish different installations | string | phpList |
83 | db_translation | i18n | constant | No idea | true false | 0 |
84 | stats_interval | statistics | constant | Not sure | ||
85 | use_personalised_remoteurls | rendering | constant | Not sure | ||
86 | forward_email_count | social networking | constant | Number of email addresses allowed to enter when forwarding a message | A number | 1 |
87 | blacklist_gracetime | subscriber management | constant | Number of minutes to allow sending a message after blacklisting a subscriber | integer | 5 |
88 | max_sendprocesses | queue processing | constant | Number of simultaneous sending processes allowed | 1 | 1 |
89 | show_list_ofall_subscribers | segmentation | constant | On the list and members page, show a static "list" that has all subscribers in the system as members | true false 1 0 | false |
90 | use_admin_details_for_messages | composition | constant | Pre-fill the From field when creating a campaign, with the details of the administrator logged in | true false 0 1 | 1 |
91 | manually_process_bounces | bounce management | constant | Process the bounces in the admin interface | true false 0 1 | 1 |
92 | tld_refetch_timeout | system | constant | Refresh time for automatically updating the list of TLDs | Any number | 15552000 |
93 | unsubscribe_requires_password | security | constant | Request a valid password before acting on unsubscribe. | true false 0 1 | false |
94 | devsite | system | constant | Run phpList in development mode | true false | false |
95 | messagequeue_prepare | queue processing | constant | Run the queue in a two-process way | true false 0 1 | 0 |
96 | phpmailer_smtppassword | system | variable | SMTP authentication password | string | no value |
97 | phpmailerhost | system | constant | SMTP host for sending messages | a valid FQDN of the SMTP host | no value |
98 | phpmailersubscribehost | system | constant | SMTP host for sending messages that originate from the subscribe pages | a valid FQDN of the SMTP host | PHPMAILERHOST |
99 | phpmailerblasthost | queue processing | constant | SMTP server to use when sending the actual campaign | The FQDB of the server | PHPMAILERHOST |
100 | phpmailer_smtpuser | system | variable | STMP Authentication username | string | no value |
101 | aws_secretkey | aws | constant | Secret key for sending with Amazon SES | string | no value |
102 | plugin_rootdirs | constant | Semi-colon separated list of directories to look for plugins. | Text, pointing to the directories. | no value | |
103 | send_listadmin_copy | system | constant | Send a notification to the owner of a list | true false 0 1 | false |
104 | notify_spam | anti-spam | constant | Send an alert when spam was blocked | true false 0 1 | 1 |
105 | send_one_testmail | composition | constant | Send one test email when using the test functionality | true false 0 1 | 1 |
106 | manually_process_queue | queue processing | constant | Send queued messages from the admin interface. | true false 0 1 | 1 |
107 | empty_value_prefix | segmentation | constant | Set a dropdown prefix which indicates no value | A short string | -- |
108 | phpmailer_secure | rendering | constant | Set the Secure option in phpMailer | auto tls ssl false | auto |
109 | date_end_year | segmentation | constant | Set the end year for any date dropdown | any sensible year | 0 |
110 | public_protocol | system | constant | Set the protocol for public pages. | http https | http |
111 | date_start_year | segmentation | constant | Set the start year for any date dropdown | Any recent year | 1900 |
112 | htmlemail_encoding | rendering | constant | Set the transfer encoding for the HTML part of the generated messages | 8bit 7bit base64 quoted-printable | quoted-printable |
113 | textemail_encoding | rendering | constant | Set the transfer encoding for the text part of an outgoing message | 7bit 8bit | 7bit |
114 | show_unsubscribelink | subscription | constant | Show a link to the unsubscribe page on the subscribe page | true false | true |
115 | clicktrack_showdetail | statistics | constant | Show more detail in the statistics when tracking clicks | true false 0 1 | 0 |
116 | max_avatar_size | subscriber management | constant | Size of file for avatar | Any sensible number | 2000 |
117 | sendprocess_servername | queue processing | constant | String to identify a send process | any text | localhost |
118 | noteditableconfig | admin | variable | Suppress certain config values from being editable in the admin pages. | array of values | empty array |
119 | userspage_max | subscriber management | constant | Suppress the listing of subscribers when there are more than this value | Number | 1000 |
120 | nostatscollection | feedback | constant | Switch off collection of statistics | 0 1 true false | false |
121 | tld_auth_md5 | system | constant | The MD5 of the TLD_AUTH_LIST | Any URL | |
122 | phpmailertesthost | composition | constant | The SMTP server to use when sending a test mail | the FQDN of the SMTP server | PHPMAILERHOST |
123 | aws_posturl | aws | constant | The URL for Amazon AWS | | |
124 | aws_accesskeyid | aws | constant | The access key for using Amazon SES | no value | |
125 | language_module | i18n | variable | The default language for the frontend | any of the files in lists/texts/ | |
126 | message_envelope | bounce management | variable | The email address where bounces will go | one single valid email address | no value |
127 | encryption_algo | security | constant | The encryption method to use when encrypting passwords | any algorithm accepted in your PHP system, see | sha256 |
128 | hash_algo | security | constant | The hash method to use when hashing passwords | any algorithm accepted in your PHP system, see | sha256 |
129 | maxlist | segmentation | constant | The maximum number of lists a non-superuser administrator can have | Any positive number | 1 |
130 | export_mimetype | subscriber management | variable | The mime-type sent to the browser for the export file | a mime-type | application/csv |
131 | message_sendstatus_sampletime | queue processing | constant | The number of second to sample for a running campaign, to calculate the send speed | Any positive number | 600 |
132 | phpmailerport | system | constant | The port number for the SMTP connection to PHPMAILERHOST | integer | no value |
133 | phpmailerblastport | queue processing | constant | The port to use with PHPMAILERBLASTHOST | A working port | PHPMAILERPORT |
134 | mailqueue_batch_period | queue processing | constant | The time allowed for sending a batch. | Any number | 3600 |
135 | password_change_timeframe | security | constant | Time allowed for an admin to use the token to change their password. | A valid mySQL INTERVAL value | 1 day |
136 | domain_batch_period | queue processing | constant | Time frame for domain throttling | Any number larger than 1 | 120 |
137 | smtp_timeout | queue processing | constant | Timeout when sending a mail with SMTP | Any number | 5 |
138 | test | constant | Try the system without sending any emails. | true false 0 1 | 1 | |
139 | tld_auth_list | system | constant | URL that returns a list of valid Top Level Domains | Any URL | |
140 | database_connection_ssl | database | variable | Use SSL when connecting to the database | true false | false |
141 | database_connection_compression | database | variable | Use compression in the mySql database connection | true false | false |
142 | phpmailer | system | constant | Use phpMailer for sending | true false 0 1 | 1 |
143 | stacked_attribute_selection | segmentation | constant | Use stacking of attribute segmentation | true false 0 1 | 0 |
144 | emailtextcredits | rendering | constant | Use text credits for phpList in emails, instead of an image | true false 0 1 | 0 |
145 | pagetextcredits | subscription | constant | Use text credits for phpList on pages, instead of an image | true false 0 1 | 0 |
146 | useck | composition | constant | Use the CKeditor for creating campaigns | true false 0 1 | 0 |
147 | usefck | composition | constant | Use the FCKeditor for creating campaigns | true false 0 1 | 1 |
148 | use_precedence_header | rendering | constant | Use the Precedence: header in outgoing mails | true false 0 1 | true |
149 | keepforwarderattributes | social networking | constant | Use the attributes of the subscriber for placeholder when forwarding a message | true false 0 1 | false |
150 | use_prepare | constant | Use the prepare system | true false 0 1 | 0 | |
151 | ui | system | variable | User Interface | any subdirectory in admin/ui/ | dressprow |
152 | check_for_host | subscriber management | variable | Verify that the HOST part of an email address is a deliverable domain | true false 0 1 | 0 |
153 | check_referrer | security | constant | Verify that the referring web page is allowed | true false 0 1 | 1 |
154 | check_sessionip | security | constant | Verify the session of the logged in administrator | true false 0 1 | 1 |
155 | warn_savechanges | composition | constant | Warn when changing page and there are unsaved changes | true false 0 1 | 1 |
156 | bounce_protocol | bounce management | variable | What method to use to fetch bounces | pop mbox | pop |
157 | preferencepage_show_private_lists | segmentation | constant | When a subscriber is viewing their preferences page, show all lists, not just the public ones | true false 0 1 | 0 |
158 | use_minified_assets | constant | When displaying pages use the minified version of the CSS and JS files. | true false | true | |
159 | merge_duplicates_delete_duplicate | subscriber management | constant | When merging duplicate subscribers, remove the duplicate | true false | true |
160 | processcampaigns_parallel | queue processing | constant | When processing multiple campaigns, send them in parallel | true, false, 0, 1 | false |
161 | admin_auth_module | authentication | variable | class for authentication of the administrator | class file | |
162 | async_request_interval | system | constant | create a delay between Ajax requests on a page | any number > 0 | 0 |
163 | bounce_mailbox_purge | bounce management | variable | delete bounces from the mailbox once they have been processed | true false 0 1 | true |
164 | attributevalue_reorder_limit | segmentation | constant | disallow ordering the attribute values where there are more than this amount | number | 100 |
165 | resetstats_max | constant | disallow resetting statistics when this value has been reached | positive number | 10 | |
166 | admin_protocol | constant | enforce HTTPS on admin pages | http https | http | |
167 | admin_wwwroot | system | constant | fix the URL for the admin pages | a valid URL in the context of the system | not set |
168 | user_wwwroot | system | constant | fix the URL for the public pages | a valid URL in the context of the system | not set |
169 | phpmailer_smtpoptions | sending | variable | pass smtpoptions to phpMailer | any valid smtpoptions for phpMailer | |
170 | table_prefix | system | variable | prefix for all table names | string | phplist_ |
171 | usertable_prefix | system | variable | prefix for subscriber related data | string | phplist_user_ |
172 | embedexternalimages | composition | constant | pull external images and embed them in campaigns | true false | false |
173 | database_module | database | variable | the file holding the database abstraction | | |