meta data for this page
Translations of this page:
editpurposeallowed valuesdefault
usertable_prefixprefix for subscriber related datastringphplist_user_
uiUser Interfaceany subdirectory in admin/ui/dressprow
tmpdirLocation to place temporary files, when neededwritable path for webserver/tmp
table_prefixprefix for all table namesstringphplist_
stats_collection_addressEmail address to send the statistics report toemail
require_loginActivate the authentication system0 11
plugins_disabledDisable selected pluginsarray of plugin namesempty array
phpmailer_smtpuserSTMP Authentication usernamestringno value
phpmailer_smtppasswordSMTP authentication passwordstringno value
phpmailer_smtpoptionspass smtpoptions to phpMailerany valid smtpoptions for phpMailer
pagerootLocation of phpList in relation to the web server roota valid path/lists/
noteditableconfigSuppress certain config values from being editable in the admin pages.array of valuesempty array
message_envelopeThe email address where bounces will goone single valid email addressno value
language_moduleThe default language for the frontendany of the files in lists/texts/
installation_nameName a phpList installation to be able to distinguish different installationsstringphpList
export_mimetypeThe mime-type sent to the browser for the export filea mime-typeapplication/csv
default_system_languageLanguage to use when it cannot be determined from the contextISO code of the languageen
database_modulethe file holding the database
database_connection_sslUse SSL when connecting to the databasetrue falsefalse
database_connection_compressionUse compression in the mySql database connectiontrue falsefalse
check_for_hostVerify that the HOST part of an email address is a deliverable domaintrue false 0 10
bounce_unsubscribe_thresholdHow many consecutive bounces to consider before marking a subscriber unconfirmedInteger5
bounce_protocolWhat method to use to fetch bouncespop mboxpop
bounce_mailbox_purge_unprocessedDelete bounces from the mailbox that were not matched to be for a campaign or subscriber (unidentified bounce)true false 0 1true
bounce_mailbox_purgedelete bounces from the mailbox once they have been processedtrue false 0 1true
attachment_repositoryLocation where uploaded files are storedA webserver writable pathno value
allowed_referrersDomains that can refer to the phpList systemarray of domainsempty array
admin_auth_moduleclass for authentication of the administratorclass