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Translations of this page:

editcategorypurposeallowed values default
use_manual_text_partcompositionManually enter the text version of the campaigntrue falsefalse
export_excelsubscriber managementFormat the export file to allow use in Microsoft Exceltrue falsefalse
send_listadmin_copysystemSend a notification to the owner of a listtrue false 0 1false
rfc_direct_deliverysubscriptionDirect delivery of the request for confirmationtrue false 0 1false
forward_alternative_contentsocial networkingEnter different content for the message that is forwardedtrue false 0 1false
keepforwarderattributessocial networkingUse the attributes of the subscriber for placeholder when forwarding a messagetrue false 0 1false
show_list_ofall_subscriberssegmentationOn the list and members page, show a static "list" that has all subscribers in the system as memberstrue false 1 0false
nostatscollectionfeedbackSwitch off collection of statistics0 1 true falsefalse
processcampaigns_parallelqueue processingWhen processing multiple campaigns, send them in paralleltrue, false, 0, 1false
embedexternalimagescompositionpull external images and embed them in campaignstrue falsefalse
show_pqchoicequeue processingEnable remote cron processing choicetrue, false, 0, 1false (Jan 2015)
public_protocolsystemSet the protocol for public pages.http httpshttp
admin_protocolenforce HTTPS on admin pageshttp httpshttp
access_control_allow_originsecurityBlock requests from an incorrect locationhttp://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
translations_xmli18nLocation where translations can be fetched and refreshedA URL that returns a valid XML
tld_auth_listsystemURL that returns a list of valid Top Level DomainsAny URL
tld_auth_md5systemThe MD5 of the TLD_AUTH_LISTAny URL
aws_posturlawsThe URL for Amazon AWS
uploadimages_dircompositionLocation of a webserver-writable folder for storing images.Any name of a directoryimages
sendprocess_servernamequeue processingString to identify a send processany textlocalhost
plugin_rootdirsSemi-colon separated list of directories to look for plugins.Text, pointing to the value
phpmailerhostsystemSMTP host for sending messagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostno value
tinymcepathcompositionno value
clicktrack_linkmapstatisticsDefine a mod-rewrite mapping of clicked linksA sensible stringno value
aws_accesskeyidawsThe access key for using Amazon SESno value
phpmailerportsystemThe port number for the SMTP connection to PHPMAILERHOSTintegerno value
aws_secretkeyawsSecret key for sending with Amazon SESstringno value
admin_wwwrootsystemfix the URL for the admin pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
user_wwwrootsystemfix the URL for the public pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
htmlemail_encodingrenderingSet the transfer encoding for the HTML part of the generated messages8bit 7bit base64 quoted-printablequoted-printable
encryption_algosecurityThe encryption method to use when encrypting passwordsany algorithm accepted in your PHP system, see
hash_algosecurityThe hash method to use when hashing passwordsany algorithm accepted in your PHP system, see
use_minified_assetsWhen displaying pages use the minified version of the CSS and JS files.true falsetrue
silent_resubscribesubscriptionAllow existing subscribers to re-subscribe without throwing an error.true false 0 1true
show_unsubscribelinksubscriptionShow a link to the unsubscribe page on the subscribe pagetrue falsetrue
allow_importsubscriber managementEnable import functionalitytrue false 0 1true
use_precedence_headerrenderingUse the Precedence: header in outgoing mailstrue false 0 1true
merge_duplicates_delete_duplicatesubscriber managementWhen merging duplicate subscribers, remove the duplicatetrue falsetrue
language_auto_updatei18nAutomatically update translations when the filesystem file is newer than the last updatetrue falsetrue
allow_updateradminEnable Automatic Updatertrue, falsetrue
access_control_allow_originssecurityBlock requests from an incorrect location, but allow multiple domainsarray of domainsundefined
fckimages_dircompositionLocation for uploading images in the FCKeditorDirectory name in the "lists" directoryuploadimages
system/config/constants.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/21 00:14 by phplist

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