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Translations of this page:

Filtered by category='system'

editcategory purposeallowed valuesdefault
error404pagesystemAllow a custom file-not-found pagefilename in webroot
remote_url_refetch_timeoutsystemHow long to keep a remote URL in cache before fetching it againAny number greater than 03600 (one hour)
tld_refetch_timeoutsystemRefresh time for automatically updating the list of TLDsAny number15552000
devsitesystemRun phpList in development modetrue falsefalse
phpmailerhostsystemSMTP host for sending messagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostno value
phpmailersubscribehostsystemSMTP host for sending messages that originate from the subscribe pagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostPHPMAILERHOST
send_listadmin_copysystemSend a notification to the owner of a listtrue false 0 1false
public_protocolsystemSet the protocol for public pages.http httpshttp
tld_auth_md5systemThe MD5 of the TLD_AUTH_LISTAny URL
phpmailerportsystemThe port number for the SMTP connection to PHPMAILERHOSTintegerno value
tld_auth_listsystemURL that returns a list of valid Top Level DomainsAny URL
phpmailersystemUse phpMailer for sendingtrue false 0 11
async_request_intervalsystemcreate a delay between Ajax requests on a pageany number > 00
admin_wwwrootsystemfix the URL for the admin pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
user_wwwrootsystemfix the URL for the public pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set