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All config file options

Constants and variables

Filtered by category='subscriber management'

#editcategorytypepurposeallowed values default
1merge_duplicates_delete_duplicatesubscriber managementconstantWhen merging duplicate subscribers, remove the duplicatetrue falsetrue
2allow_importsubscriber managementconstantEnable import functionalitytrue false 0 1true
3export_excelsubscriber managementconstantFormat the export file to allow use in Microsoft Exceltrue falsefalse
4export_mimetypesubscriber managementvariableThe mime-type sent to the browser for the export filea mime-typeapplication/csv
5bounce_unsubscribe_thresholdsubscriber managementvariableHow many consecutive bounces to consider before marking a subscriber unconfirmedInteger5
6blacklist_gracetimesubscriber managementconstantNumber of minutes to allow sending a message after blacklisting a subscriberinteger5
7import_filesizesubscriber managementconstantMaximum size of an import fileNumber (in MB)5
8email_address_validation_levelsubscriber managementconstantA choice of level of validation of an email address0, 1, 2, 3, 43
9max_avatar_sizesubscriber managementconstantSize of file for avatarAny sensible number2000
10userspage_maxsubscriber managementconstantSuppress the listing of subscribers when there are more than this valueNumber1000
11check_for_hostsubscriber managementvariableVerify that the HOST part of an email address is a deliverable domaintrue false 0 10
12unblacklist_in_profilesubscriber managementconstantAdd a link to remove a subscriber from the blacklist in their profiletrue false 0 10