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Translations of this page:

All config file options

Constants and variables

Filtered by category='system'

#edit categorytypepurposeallowed valuesdefault
1user_wwwrootsystemconstantfix the URL for the public pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
2admin_wwwrootsystemconstantfix the URL for the admin pagesa valid URL in the context of the systemnot set
3async_request_intervalsystemconstantcreate a delay between Ajax requests on a pageany number > 00
4phpmailersubscribehostsystemconstantSMTP host for sending messages that originate from the subscribe pagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostPHPMAILERHOST
5error404pagesystemconstantAllow a custom file-not-found pagefilename in webroot
6phpmailerportsystemconstantThe port number for the SMTP connection to PHPMAILERHOSTintegerno value
7phpmailer_smtppasswordsystemvariableSMTP authentication passwordstringno value
8phpmailer_smtpusersystemvariableSTMP Authentication usernamestringno value
9attachment_repositorysystemvariableLocation where uploaded files are storedA webserver writable pathno value
10usertable_prefixsystemvariableprefix for subscriber related datastringphplist_user_
11uisystemvariableUser Interfaceany subdirectory in admin/ui/dressprow
12tmpdirsystemvariableLocation to place temporary files, when neededwritable path for webserver/tmp
13table_prefixsystemvariableprefix for all table namesstringphplist_
14plugins_disabledsystemvariableDisable selected pluginsarray of plugin namesempty array
15pagerootsystemvariableLocation of phpList in relation to the web server roota valid path/lists/
16installation_namesystemvariableName a phpList installation to be able to distinguish different installationsstringphpList
17send_listadmin_copysystemconstantSend a notification to the owner of a listtrue false 0 1false
18remote_url_refetch_timeoutsystemconstantHow long to keep a remote URL in cache before fetching it againAny number greater than 03600 (one hour)
19phpmailerhostsystemconstantSMTP host for sending messagesa valid FQDN of the SMTP hostno value
20phpmailersystemconstantUse phpMailer for sendingtrue false 0 11
21tld_refetch_timeoutsystemconstantRefresh time for automatically updating the list of TLDsAny number15552000
22tld_auth_md5systemconstantThe MD5 of the TLD_AUTH_LISTAny URL
23tld_auth_listsystemconstantURL that returns a list of valid Top Level DomainsAny URL
24devsitesystemconstantRun phpList in development modetrue falsefalse
25public_protocolsystemconstantSet the protocol for public pages.http httpshttp