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Translations of this page:

All config file options

Constants and variables

Filtered by category='social networking'

#editcategorytype purposeallowed valuesdefault
1forward_personal_note_sizesocial networkingconstantAllow a personal note to be added when forwarding a messageA number (size in bytes)0 (disable)
2forward_alternative_contentsocial networkingconstantEnter different content for the message that is forwardedtrue false 0 1false
3forward_email_periodsocial networkingconstantLimit the time period for reaching the maximum forwarding amountA valid mySQL INTERVAL value1 day
4forward_email_countsocial networkingconstantNumber of email addresses allowed to enter when forwarding a messageA number1
5keepforwarderattributessocial networkingconstantUse the attributes of the subscriber for placeholder when forwarding a messagetrue false 0 1false