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Simple Captcha
—- plugin —-
description: This plugin provides a CAPTCHA field on subscription forms.
author : Duncan Cameron
type :
compatible : 3.x
depends :
conflicts :
similar :
tags : spam
sourcerepo :
This plugin provides a CAPTCHA field on subscription forms using the Simple Captcha package.
The CAPTCHA requires that the user type the letters and digits of a distorted image.
For other approaches to captcha see the reCAPTCHA plugin and the reCAPTCHAv3 plugin.
Install on the Plugins page (menu Config > Plugins) using the package URL
On the Settings page you can specify:
- The prompt for the CAPTCHA field
- The message to be displayed to the subscriber when the entered CAPTCHA is incorrect
- Whether to write a record to the event log for each incorrect CAPTCHA and subscription attempt
- Whether to send an email to the admin for each incorrect CAPTCHA and subscription attempt
Subscribe pages
For each subscribe page that you create you can select whether it should include a simple-captcha field.
If your subscribe pages are in a language other than English then on the Settings page you can change the prompt and messages that are displayed to the subscriber to be in the local language.
Test that it works
On your phplist subscription page enter all of the mandatory fields and an incorrect value in the CAPTCHA field. The subscription attempt should be rejected.
Report any issues or questions in the support forum