Translations of this page:

List Name Prefix

—- plugin —-

description: Prefix the subject line of a list message with the list name
author : Arnold Lesikar
email :
type :
lastupdate : 2015-04-30
compatible : 3.x
depends :
conflicts :
similar :
tags : listname, attribute, prefix, subject

bugtracker :
sourcerepo :

screenshot_img :

This plugin allows you to prefix the subject line of list messages of all lists with the list name.


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to the latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Configuration and Settings

Seven standard formats are available setting the appearance of the list name prefix in the subject line of messages. There is an option for setting the list name to upper case in the prefix. There is a further option for defining a custom format.

The standard formats are as follows:

  1. [Listname] The Subject
  2. (Listname) The Subject
  3. *Listname* The Subject
  4. <Listname> The Subject
  5. Listname: The Subject
  6. Listname - The Subject
  7. Listname::The Subject

The custom format selection (appearing as format 8.) allows you to enter the 'Left Bracket', that is, the characters to appear before the list name in the prefix. The Left Bracket may be empty. You can also enter the Right Bracket/Separator. These are the characters appearing between the list name and the subject proper.

Change Log

  • 2013-12-30
    • Initial release
    • 1.2a2 - Various improvements
    • 1.2a3 - Fixed a serious error where the incorrect list name appeared in the prefix
    • 1.2a4 - Added code to ensure system messages are unaffected by the plugin
