Translations of this page:

Coding Style

phpList follows the coding standards of PHP-FIG PSR-1 and most of PSR-2. Please follow the simple style rules outlined by these standards to keep code consistent and readable.

All changes to the phpList 3 and phpList 4 codebases must adhere to the coding standards. You are only responsible for the lines that you edit.

phpList 3 does not uniformly follow the above standards as it is an older codebase not fully renewed. phpList 4 already adheres to these standards.

SQL Queries

Build the query using sprintf for the parameters and store it in a variable before actually calling the query. 1) The integer parameters can be sanitised with %d and strings by calling Sql_Escape, eg

$query = sprintf('select id,data from %s where id = %d and name = "%s"',$GLOBALS['tables'][$table],$ID,Sql_Escape($NAME));
$result = Sql_Query($query);

Explicitly mention the columns in the result set and do not use wildcards. So, that means queries like

Select, u.status from table u where id = X

and NOT

Select * from table u where id = X


Also, have a look in the file for the functions that abstract the Mysql calls. Use the ones in there, and do not use any “mysql_” functions in the code directly.

You can use Sql_Verbose_Query to have the query be printed before being called.

All tables are referenced using the global $tables. Check the structure.php file to find the database structure.

Language and translation

When you output strings, use the function s. A lot of code will use $GLOBALS['I18N']→get(, but you can use the shortcut s instead, eg

print s('Please enter your name');

The s function can also handle additional parameters which can be used for fill out a sprintf output.

print s('phpList has sent %d out of %d messages, and will finish sending at %s',$messages_done,$total,$end_date);


Obsolete coding style

A lot of code still has these styles, but should be redone. Try to change it whenever you touch a certain section of the code where this is used. But be careful to ensure it doesn't break anything.

  • if ($variable)

This should be changed to if (!empty($variable))) or if (isset($variable)) depending on the context. In general the first one.

  • Queries that look like “select something from {$tables['table']} where id = $id”

These should be redone using the sprintf format as mentioned above.


Each function and class should have a PHPDocumentor style comment, giving at least the function's purpose, parameters, and return variable type.


 * Check for foo in bar
 * Checks if there is a foo in bar
 * @author   Joe Schmoe <>
 * @param    string $in your input
 * @return   bool       true if foo in bar
function is_foo($in) {
That makes it easier to debug by printing the query before it's performed
This is for security purposes.
I actually need to check that this is processed correctly by POedit