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As of version XX of phpList, authentication can be provided by a plugin.

You can check the phpListAdminAuthentication plugin in the admin directory to see the default one.

Below is a skeleton class. Not all methods need to be implemented, but defaulting them to something sensible will be useful.

class myCustomPhpListAdminAuthentication extends phplistPlugin {
  public $name = 'your plugin name';
  public $version = 0.1;
  public $authors = 'Your name';
  public $description = 'Provides authentication to phpList using .... ';
  public $authProvider = true;

   * validateLogin, verify that the login credentials are correct
   * @param string $login the login field
   * @param string $password the password
   * @return array 
   *    index 0 -> false if login failed, index of the administrator if successful
   *    index 1 -> error message when login fails
   * eg 
   *    return array(5,'OK'); // -> login successful for admin 5
   *    return array(0,'Incorrect login details'); // login failed
  public function validateLogin($login,$password) 

    return array(0,s("Login failed"));

   * validateAccount, verify that the logged in admin is still valid
   * this allows verification that the admin still exists and is valid
   * @param int $id the ID of the admin as provided by validateLogin
   * @return array 
   *    index 0 -> false if failed, true if successful
   *    index 1 -> error message when validation fails
   * eg 
   *    return array(1,'OK'); // -> admin valid
   *    return array(0,'No such account'); // admin failed
  public function validateAccount($id) 
    return array(1,"OK");

   * adminName
   * Name of the currently logged in administrator
   * Use for logging, eg "subscriber updated by XXXX"
   * and to display ownership of lists
   * @param int $id ID of the admin
   * @return string;
  public function adminName($id) 
   * adminEmail
   * Email address of the currently logged in administrator
   * used to potentially pre-fill the "From" field in a campaign
   * @param int $id ID of the admin
   * @return string;
  public function adminEmail($id) 

   * adminIdForEmail
   * Return matching admin ID for an email address
   * used for verifying the admin email address on a Forgot Password request
   * @param string $email email address 
   * @return ID if found or false if not;
  public function adminIdForEmail($email) 
   * isSuperUser
   * Return whether this admin is a super-admin or not
   * @param int $id admin ID
   * @return true if super-admin false if not
  public function isSuperUser($id) 

   * listAdmins
   * Return array of admins in the system
   * Used in the list page to allow assigning ownership to lists
   * @param none
   * @return array of admins
   *    id => name
  function listAdmins() 
