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forward_email_period @system:config
6 Hits, Last modified:
configoptions ---- type : constant name : FORWARD_EMAIL_PERIOD purpose : Limit the time period for reaching the maximum forwarding amount allowed : A valid mySQL INTERVAL value... ial networking ---- A subscriber is allowed to forward FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT in FORWARD_EMAIL_PERIOD See also [[system/mySQL INTERVAL value]], [[FORWARD_EMAIL_CO
housekeeping @plugin
4 Hits, Last modified:
'' * ''user_message_bounce'' * ''user_message_forward'' * ''user_message_view'' ==== Event log ==== ... to bounces which no longer exist. ==== Linktrack forward ==== Rows will be deleted from the ''linktrack_forward'' table that are no longer used (do not have a ref... after deleting campaigns,and a row in ''linktrack_forward'' is no longer used by any campaigns. ==== User
campaignstatistics @plugin
3 Hits, Last modified:
n: Provides statistics on opens, clicks, bounces, forwards, and links of sent campaigns. For phplist 3.x. a... in provides statistics on opens, clicks, bounces, forwards, and links of sent campaigns. ====== Installati... mail address has bounced * subscribers who have forwarded the campaign * a summary by domain of the num
28-01-2014 @translations:start:meetings
3 Hits, Last modified:
for translators at the moment and how we can move forward including: language specific issues in phpList it... for translators at the moment and how can we move forward 2) While learning the system is fresh in your m... for translators at the moment and how can we move forward === == Problem: == There are some issues with
2 Hits, Last modified:
om/phpList/phplist-templateslign:right"><a href="[FORWARDURL]" >Forward this message</a></p> <table style="border:2px solid #CCC; color:#333;" width="100%" cellpadd
functionp @develop
2 Hits, Last modified:
lue: * Comments: ===precacheMessage($messageid,$forwardContent = 0)=== <code>sendemaillib.php, line 1292</code> * Arguments: -$messageid -$forwardContent * Return value: * Comments: ===prepare
functionr @develop
2 Hits, Last modified:
d,$email,$hash,$htmlpref = 0,$rssitems = array(),$forwardedby = array())=== <code>sendemaillib.php, line 12... il -$hash -$htmlpref -$rssitems -$forwardedby * Return value: * Comments: ===sendEmailT
addons @plugin
2 Hits, Last modified:
that combines the campaign id, subscriber id and forward url id. ''%%http://strontian/lists/lt.php?tid=Hq... ecode the tid parameter to find the subscriber or forward url id. For ease of use, the input can be any par
settings @system
2 Hits, Last modified:
beurl blacklisturl confirmationurl preferencesurl forwardurl ajax_subscribeconfirmation subscribesubject su... on_subject personallocation_message messagefooter forwardfooter pageheader pagefooter remoteurl_append word
forward_alternative_content @system:config
2 Hits, Last modified:
-- type : constant name : FORWARD_ALTERNATIVE_CONTENT purpose : Enter different content for the message that is forwarded allowed : true false 0 1 default
forward_email_count @system:config
2 Hits, Last modified:
configoptions ---- type : constant name : FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT purpose : Number of email addresses allowed to enter when forwarding a message allowed : A number default : 1 sta
forward_personal_note_size @system:config
2 Hits, Last modified:
configoptions ---- type : constant name : FORWARD_PERSONAL_NOTE_SIZE purpose : Allow a personal note to be added when forwarding a message allowed : A number (size in bytes)
keepforwarderattributes @system:config
2 Hits, Last modified:
ype : constant name : KEEPFORWARDERATTRIBUTES purpose : Use the attributes of the subscriber for placeholder when forwarding a message allowed : true false 0 1 de
sendingcampaign @documentation
1 Hits, Last modified:
n by the subscriber. For example, if a subscriber forwards an email to a non-subscriber, the footer will ch
statistics @documentation
1 Hits, Last modified:
er of messages sent, number of bounces, number of forwards, number of views, date sent, and (view) rate. H
subscribers @plugin
1 Hits, Last modified:
plugins @plugins
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