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system:convertstats [2013/08/19 21:01]
phplist created
system:convertstats [2013/08/19 21:02] (current)
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 +===== Convert statistics ======
 +==== introduction ====
 +Version 2.11, and now 3.0 introduced a new way to track click statistics. Therefore when you had clicktracking enabled in version 2.10 you will need to convert it.
 +==== converting ====
 +In the main admin page, select "Statistics overview". If you have data in the old statistics table it will tell you and you can choose to convert it. This will convert a small amount at a time, and you may need to run it several times to convert all data.
 +Alternatively, if you have a lot of data, you can run it from the commandline:
 +php /path/to/admin/index.php -c /path/to/config.php -pconvertstats
 +This will convert more entries at a time, and you may need to run it several times as well.
 +==== issues ====
 +=== large conversion ===
 +When there are many entries, it may take quite some time. I recently converted a system with 7 million click track entries, and it took about 20 hours. In that case **you will want to run in on commandline**.
 +The following code may come in handy. 7 Million is 140 runs of 50000 (which is the amount phpList will convert on commandline).
 +C=0; while [ $C -lt 140 ]; do 
 +  C=$(( $C + 1 )); 
 +  echo $C; 
 +  echo $(date); 
 +  php lists/admin/index.php -c /var/www/phplist/lists/config/config.php -pconvertstats; 
 +  done
 +>> convertstats.log &
 +Don't forget the last &, and you can go off do something else and come back 20 hours later.
 +Then use 
 +tail -f convertstats.log
 +to see how far it has got and keep an eye on the end.
 +=== recent campaign ===
 +The links in campaigns require the entries in the database to work. Therefore, if you recently sent out a campaign, and you convert the statistics, the links will stop working.
 +To avoid this, phpList will only convert links for campaigns that are older than a week. So, there may be a need to run the conversion again a week later.
system/convertstats.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/19 21:02 by phplist

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