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system:config:async_request_interval [2023/04/10 19:27] – created michielsystem:config:async_request_interval [2023/04/10 19:27] (current) michiel
Line 1: Line 1:
 +---- dataentry configoptions ----
 +type             : constant
 +name             : ASYNC_REQUEST_INTERVAL
 +purpose          : create a delay between Ajax requests on a page
 +allowed          : any number > 0
 +default          : 0
 +status_s         : 
 +category         : system
 +In some pages (eg the subscriber list page), certain elements of the page are fetched in the background. This may at times cause the server to think it is being attacked when many requests are fired in a short space of time.
 +Set this value (in milliseconds, so 2000 is two seconds) to create a small delay between the requests, so that the server is happy.
 +From version 3.6.13 onwards only