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plugin:embedremoteimages [2019/04/07 10:41] – created michielplugin:embedremoteimages [2024/05/20 00:00] (current) – external edit
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 +====== embedremoteimages plugin ======
 +---- plugin ----
 +description: Embed remote images, but allow setting this per campaign
 +author     : Michiel Dethmers  
 +email      : 
 +type       : 
 +lastupdate : 2019/04/07 11:37
 +compatible : 3.3.1 and up
 +depends    : 
 +conflicts  : EMBEDEXTERNALIMAGES config
 +similar    : 
 +tags       : 
 +bugtracker :
 +sourcerepo :
 +===== Purpose =====
 +This plugin will add a choice "HTML, with remote images embedded" to the Format tab of a campaign.
 +phpList already has this functionality, by setting the configuration "EMBEDEXTERNALIMAGES" to true, but this plugin allows setting that per campaign, as opposed to system wide.
 +===== Installation =====
 +Install the plugin using the [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually.
 +=== Change Log ===
 +  * **2019/04/07 11:37**
 +    * Initial release