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phpList Themes

phpList supports themes which style all pages of the application (administrative web UI and also public subscriber-facing pages).

phpList comes with Trevelin theme on default. Older versions than 3.4.6, include additionally Dressprow which is not currently maintained. Patches to Dressprow theme are still welcomed. Both themes are available for installation via GitHub.


Each phpList theme is contained within a single directory. To install a theme, put it inside the following phpList directory:


To enable a theme, edit your phpList config.php file and set the following variable, where 'theme-name' is the name of the directory of your theme in above folder:

$ui = 'theme-name';


$ui = 'dressprow';

Official themes

Two official currently exist:

  • Trevellin - the default theme of phpList 3.3.x
  • Dressprow - the default theme of phpList from 2.11.7 to 3.2.x

Styling public pages (for subscribers)

In addition to the theming system, it is also possible to customise public pages, e.g. those used by subscribers for changing preferences and joining lists. See the phpList manual chapter 'Subscribe page design and configuration '.