Translations of this page:


—- plugin —-

description: This plugin sends email through SMTP2GO using its API. This is for phplist 3.3.1 and later.
author : Duncan Cameron
compatible : 3.3.1

sourcerepo :

This plugin sends email through SMTP2GO using its API. Once you have enabled the plugin then phplist will send all emails, campaigns and system emails, using the plugin.

To revert to using either the php mail() function or an SMTP server, as specified in the config.php file, you should disable the plugin.


See the README file on the GitHub page for how to install the plugin.


Settings page

When you have enabled the plugin there will be a SMTP2GO group on the Settings page where you can configure the plugin.

Copy the API key value from the API Keys page within your SMTP2GO account.

Send rate

The plugin does not handle the sending rate, which is done by core phplist as for any other method of sending emails. You should set the throttle, batch size, etc to meet any limit set by SMTP2GO.


After enabling the plugin all emails will be sent through MAIL2GO. If any errors occur when sending, or SMTP2GO rejects any email, then the plugin will write to the event log. You should therefore check the event log after sending a campaign to see whether there were any errors.


Please raise any questions or problems in the user forum