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Manage Campaigns

—- plugin —-

description: Provides extra commands to manage campaigns. author : Duncan Cameron type : lastupdate : 2014-02-16 compatible : phpList 3 depends : conflicts : similar : tags : campaigns

sourcerepo :


This plugin provides additional commands to manage campaigns - copy, delete, edit, and resend.


See the README file on the GitHub page


The plugin provides extra commands to handle campaigns, beyond those in core phpList. The page is accessed through the “Manage Campaigns” item on the Campaigns menu and lets you

  • copy a campaign to a new campaign
  • delete a campaign, regardless of its status
  • edit a campaign, regardless of its status
  • resend a campaign to specific subscribers

It also provides the core phpList functions of requeue a campaign and deletes draft campaigns.

Be careful if you have enabled click tracking and delete a “sent” message because the campaign's click tracking data will also be deleted and clicks of links in the campaign will no longer work.

The page to resend a campaign to specific subscribers


Please raise any questions or problems in the user forum