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develop:functionp [2014/01/05 21:02] – [P] arnoldvldevelop:functionp [2015/05/08 19:07] (current) – [An Index of PHPlist Functions and Class Methods] arnoldvl
Line 1: Line 1:
 + =====An Index of PHPlist Functions and Class Methods=====
 +The location of the definition of each function or method is listed by file name and line number. Each file is located relative to the admin directory in the phplist distribution, that is, relative to the subdirectory //public_html/lists/admin//
 +For each function or method, the arguments are listed and explained, as well as the return value if any. Some explanation of the function is planned to be given among the Comments. These pages are under construction. Most entries are incomplete. But every entry has the location for the definition of the function or method, so that you can look up the definition in file containing the source code.
 +**The line numbers shown for each function listed correspond to version 3.05 of Phplist.** In most cases the locations of these functions have changed in later releases, Usually these functions involve only a small change in the line number, so that you can locate the function in the vicinity of the line number specified.
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 +<code>lib.php, line 1560</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$str: An input string
 +    -$len: An integer
 +  * Return value: The padded string.
 +  * Comments: If $str is longer than $len, $str is padded with spaces on the left to form a string of length $len, essentially moving $str rightwards in the output string. If the input string is longer than $len, only the rightmost characters of the input are taken. In either case, the length of the output string is $len.
 +<code>connect.php, line 1375</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$data
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 686</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$page
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1317</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$id
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===pageInfo($id = '')===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 966</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$id
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLink2($name,$desc="",$url="",$no_plugin = false,$title = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 953</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$no_plugin
 +    -$title
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLinkActionButton($name,$desc="",$url="",$extraclass = '',$title = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1059</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$extraclass
 +    -$title
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLinkAjax ($name,$desc="",$url="",$extraclass = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1033</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$extraclass
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLinkButton($name,$desc = '', $url = '',$extraclass = '',$title = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1055</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$extraclass
 +    -$title
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLinkClass($name,$desc="",$url="",$class = '',$title = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1043</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$class
 +    -$title
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLinkDialog ($name,$desc="",$url="",$extraclass = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1013</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$extraclass
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageLinkDialogOnly ($name,$desc="",$url="",$extraclass = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1023</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$extraclass
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 312</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$page
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 345</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$page
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PageURL2($name,$desc = "",$url="",$no_plugin = false)===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1084</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +    -$desc
 +    -$url
 +    -$no_plugin
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===Paging($base_url,$start,$total,$numpp = 10,$label = "")===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1815</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$base_url
 +    -$start
 +    -$total
 +    -$numpp
 +    -$label
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PagingNext($base_url,$start,$total,$numpp,$label = "")===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1843</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$base_url
 +    -$start
 +    -$total
 +    -$numpp
 +    -$label
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PagingPrevious($base_url,$start,$total,$numpp,$label = "")===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1852</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$base_url
 +    -$start
 +    -$total
 +    -$numpp
 +    -$label
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>index.php, line 584</code>
 +  * Explanation: parses the arguments passed to the Phplist script //index.php// when it is run from the command line
 +  * Arguments: None. The function picks up its input from **$GLOBALS['argv']**
 +  * Return value: An associative array of argument values with the argument names as the keys.
 +  * Comments: Used only in initializing Phplist. The return value is stored in the **$cline** array. See line 27 of //index.php//.
 +===parseDate($strdate, $format = 'Y-m-d')===
 +<code>lib.php, line 1405</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$strdate
 +    -$format
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parseDate($strdate,$format = 'Y-m-d')===
 +<code>commonlib/pages/usermgt.php, line 19</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$strdate
 +    -$format
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1483</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$value
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parseFinalMessage($sendformat, $htmlmessage, $textmessage, & $mail,$messageid)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 504</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$sendformat
 +    -$htmlmessage
 +    -$textmessage
 +    -$mail
 +    -$messageid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parseMessage($content,$template,$adminid = 0)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 600</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$content
 +    -$template
 +    -$adminid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parseOutgoingHTMLMessage($messageid, $content, $destination, $userdata = null)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 434</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$content
 +    -$destination
 +    -$userdata
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parseOutgoingTextMessage($messageid, $content, $destination, $userdata = null)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 422</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$content
 +    -$destination
 +    -$userdata
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parsePlaceHolders($content,$array = array())===
 +<code>sendemaillib.php, line 1186</code>
 +  * Explanation: This is the function that replaces standard placeholders by the value of the attribute specified in upper case between square brackets. 
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$content: A text string. This function is used to process text or HTML content of a message.
 +    -$array: An array in the form $key => $value. The key is the name of an attribute; $value is the value associated with the current subscriber and/or message.
 +  * Return value: The that was input but with placeholders replaced by values.
 +  * Comments: If the attribute inside the square brackets is not one of the keys in $array, the placeholder is left untouched.
 +===parsePlaceHolders($templ, $data)===
 +<code>importlib.php, line 19</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$templ
 +    -$data
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 622</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$translationUpdate
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 1128</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$str
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>rsslib.php, line 4</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$template
 +    -$data
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>sendemaillib.php, line 1218</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===parseThankyou($pageid= 0, $userid= 0, $text= "")===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 291</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$pageid
 +    -$userid
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1260</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$val
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 175</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===phplist_shutdown ()===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1651</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===PHPlistMailer($messageid,$email,$inBlast = true,$exceptions = false)===
 +<code>class.phplistmailer.php, line 40</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$email
 +    -$inBlast
 +    -$exceptions
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 87</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaulttest.php, line 9</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 425</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>pluginlib.php, line 163</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$method
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===precacheMessage($messageid,$forwardContent = 0)===
 +<code>sendemaillib.php, line 1292</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$forwardContent
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>readtestmail.php, line 37</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===previewTemplate($id,$adminid = 0,$text = "", $footer = "")===
 +<code>lib.php, line 527</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$id
 +    -$adminid
 +    -$text
 +    -$footer
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 874</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 867</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 892</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1766</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$array
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1754</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$object
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>import3.php, line 66</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$tree
 +    -$root
 +    -$delim
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 202</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$bounceid
 +    -$msgid
 +    -$userid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 46</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 582</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$errorid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 706</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$id
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===ProcessError ($message)===
 +<code>actions/processqueue.php, line 305</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$message
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>readtestmail.php, line 62</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$message
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 597</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processImapBounce ($link,$num,$header)===
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 170</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$link
 +    -$num
 +    -$header
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processImapFolder($server,$user,$password,$folder,$fieldlist = array())=== 
 +<code>import3.php, line 136</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$server
 +    -$user
 +    -$password
 +    -$folder
 +    -$fieldlist
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processMbox ($file)===
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 330</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$file
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processMessages($link,$max = 3000)===
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 345</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$link
 +    -$max
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processPop ($server,$user,$password)===
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 310</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$server
 +    -$user
 +    -$password
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 605</code>
 +  * Explanation: A method of the default plugin that you can override with a plugin. It is called at the beginning of processQueue, after the process was locked.
 +  * Arguments: None
 +  * Return value: None
 +===processSendFailed($messageid, $userdata, $isTest = false)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 541</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$userdata
 +    -$isTest
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processSendStats($sent = 0,$invalid = 0,$failed_sent = 0,$unconfirmed = 0,$counters = array())===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 557</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$sent
 +    -$invalid
 +    -$failed_sent
 +    -$unconfirmed
 +    -$counters
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processSendSuccess($messageid, $userdata, $isTest = false)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 528</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$userdata
 +    -$isTest
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 713</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$email
 +    -$date
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 736</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$subscribePageID
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===processSuccesFailure($messageid, $sendformat, $userdata, $success= true)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 508</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$sendformat
 +    -$userdata
 +    -$success
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>readtestmail.php, line 68</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
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