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develop:functionh [2014/01/06 18:06] – [H, I, J, K, L] arnoldvldevelop:functionh [2015/05/08 19:06] (current) – [An Index of PHPlist Functions and Class Methods] arnoldvl
Line 1: Line 1:
 + =====An Index of PHPlist Functions and Class Methods=====
 +The location of the definition of each function or method is listed by file name and line number. Each file is located relative to the admin directory in the phplist distribution, that is, relative to the subdirectory //public_html/lists/admin//
 +For each function or method, the arguments are listed and explained, as well as the return value if any. Some explanation of the function is planned to be given among the Comments. These pages are under construction. Most entries are incomplete. But every entry has the location for the definition of the function or method, so that you can look up the definition in file containing the source code.
 +**The line numbers shown for each function listed correspond to version 3.05 of Phplist.** In most cases the locations of these functions have changed in later releases, Usually these functions involve only a small change in the line number, so that you can locate the function in the vicinity of the line number specified.
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 +====H, I, J, K, L====
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 1336</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 356</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$params
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===Help($topic, $text = '?')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1275</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$topic
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 1178</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 761</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/maillib.php, line 12</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 175</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>class.phplistmailer.php, line 479</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$templateid
 +    -$filename
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 744</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 591</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$report
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 863</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 355</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/errorlib.php, line 171</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===Info($msg,$noClose = false)===
 +<code>connect.php, line 474</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +    -$noClose
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===initFSTranslations($language = '')===
 +<code>languages.php, line 462</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$language
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 145</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 12</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===interval($seconds = 0)===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1883</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$seconds
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 494</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$email
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===isBlackListed($email = "",$immediate = true)===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 344</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$email
 +    -$immediate
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===isBlackListedID($userid = 0)===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 361</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$userid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 922</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>accesscheck.php, line 26</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 909</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$url
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 417</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$sep
 +    -$array
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 775</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$processid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>installer/home.php, line 24</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 60</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$a
 +    -$b
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>sendemaillib.php, line 1037</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$p_url
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>subscribelib2.php, line 1263</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===listArray($array,$indent = 0)===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/errorlib.php, line 37</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$array
 +    -$indent
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===ListAttributes($attributes,$attributedata,$htmlchoice = 0,$userid = 0,$emaildoubleentry='no' )===
 +<code>subscribelib2.php, line 734</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$attributes
 +    -$attributedata
 +    -$htmlchoice
 +    -$userid
 +    -$emaildoubleentry
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===ListAttributes2011($attributes,$attributedata,$htmlchoice = 0,$userid = 0,$emaildoubleentry='no' )===
 +<code>subscribelib2.php, line 1016</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$attributes
 +    -$attributedata
 +    -$htmlchoice
 +    -$userid
 +    -$emaildoubleentry
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===ListAvailableLists($userid = 0,$lists_to_show = "")===
 +<code>subscribelib2.php, line 667</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$userid
 +    -$lists_to_show
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 1493</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 489</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$element
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 576</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 457</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 453</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$class
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 42</code>
 +  * **Explanation:** Returns the name of a list from the database, given the ID of the list.
 +  * **Arguments:**
 +    -$id: The numerical ID of the list in the database
 +  * **Return value:** The list name as a string
 +  * **Comments:**
 +<code>connect.php, line 1102</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$current
 +    -$fieldname
 +    -$subselect
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===listOwner($listid = 0)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 612</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$listid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1725</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===listSelectHTML ($current,$fieldname,$subselect,$alltab = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1165</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$current
 +    -$fieldname
 +    -$subselect
 +    -$alltab
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 847</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$style
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===listUsedInSubscribePage($listid = 0)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 618</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$listid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===loadBounceRules($all = 0)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 1283</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$all
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 720</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$ccrangefile
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 82</code>
 +  * **Explanation:** loads all of the data of the next message to be processed in the queue.
 +  * **Arguments:**
 +    -$msgid: The numerical id of the message in the data base.
 +  * **Return value:** the array of data. For a list of the elements of this array see lines 104 to 132 in //lib.php//
 +  * **Comments:**
 +===loadUser($loginname = "")===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 808</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$loginname
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/errorlib.php, line 175</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$error
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===logEvent($msg = '')===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 655</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 650</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 665</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
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