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develop:functionf [2014/01/06 18:13] – [F/G] arnoldvldevelop:functionf [2015/05/08 19:05] (current) – [An Index of PHPlist Functions and Class Methods] arnoldvl
Line 1: Line 1:
 + =====An Index of PHPlist Functions and Class Methods=====
 +The location of the definition of each function or method is listed by file name and line number. Each file is located relative to the admin directory in the phplist distribution, that is, relative to the subdirectory //public_html/lists/admin//
 +For each function or method, the arguments are listed and explained, as well as the return value if any. Some explanation of the function is planned to be given among the Comments. These pages are under construction. Most entries are incomplete. But every entry has the location for the definition of the function or method, so that you can look up the definition in file containing the source code.
 +**The line numbers shown for each function listed correspond to version 3.05 of Phplist.** In most cases the locations of these functions have changed in later releases, Usually these functions involve only a small change in the line number, so that you can locate the function in the vicinity of the line number specified.
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 +<code>commonlib/lib/errorlib.php, line 10</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===Fatal_Error($msg,$documentationURL = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 428</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +    -$documentationURL
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===fetchEmailsFromHeader($header,$folder,$fieldlist = array())=== 
 +<code>import3.php, line 104</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$header
 +    -$folder
 +    -$fieldlist
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 980</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$include
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 887</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===fetchUrl($url,$userdata = array())===
 +<code>lib.php, line 961</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$url
 +    -$userdata
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 1049</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$url
 +    -$request_parameters
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 1069</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$url
 +    -$request_parameters
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===FileNotFound($msg = '')===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1426</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$msg
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>class.phplistmailer.php, line 415</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$filename
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/errorlib.php, line 20</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$errno
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>stresstest.php, line 30</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$prefix
 +    -$listid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>class.phplistmailer.php, line 295</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$templateid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===findEmailForUser($link, $mailToFind, $max= 3000)===
 +<code>readtestmail.php, line 217</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$link
 +    -$mailToFind
 +    -$max
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 87</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1434</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$filename
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 103</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===finish ($flag,$message)===
 +<code>processbounces.php, line 29</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$flag
 +    -$message
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===finish ($flag,$message,$script_stage)===
 +<code>actions/processqueue.php, line 282</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$flag
 +    -$message
 +    -$script_stage
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===finish($flag, $message)===
 +<code>readtestmail.php, line 47</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$flag
 +    -$message
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>reconcileusers.php, line 52</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$email
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 1341</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>convertstats.php, line 30</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 1349</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php, line 1367</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===formatBytes ($value)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 1380</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$value
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===formatDate ($date,$short = 0)===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1410</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$date
 +    -$short
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===formatDateTime ($datetime,$short = 0)===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1629</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$datetime
 +    -$short
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 363</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===formatTime($time,$short = 0)===
 +<code>connect.php, line 1613</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$time
 +    -$short
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 245</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$additional
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 530</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>class.phplistmailer.php, line 442</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$filename
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>class.phplistmailer.php, line 490</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$templateid
 +    -$filename
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getAttributeIDbyName ($sName)===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 120</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$sName
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getAttributeNamebyID ($iAttribute)===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 153</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$iAttribute
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>import3.php, line 191</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$emails
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 209</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getDate($value = "")===
 +<code>date.php, line 75</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$value
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 18</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>checki18n.php, line 10</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$file
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>import3.php, line 168</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$server
 +    -$user
 +    -$password
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getMessageAttachment($messageid, $content)===
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 438</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$messageid
 +    -$content
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 900</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$name
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getNiceBackTrace( $bTrace = false )===
 +<code>lib.php, line 1531</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$bTrace
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getPageCache($url,$lastmodified = 0)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 791</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$url
 +    -$lastmodified
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 796</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$url
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getPageLock($force = 0)===
 +<code>lib.php, line 682</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$force
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 448</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>connect.php, line 1199</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$fieldname
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>template.php, line 24</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$content
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>template.php, line 52</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$content
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 248</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getTime($value = "")===
 +<code>date.php, line 90</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$value
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>lib.php, line 258</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$domain
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 483</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$text
 +    -$page
 +    -$basedir
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>languages.php, line 572</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getUniqid($table = "")===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 28</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$table
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +===getUserAttributeValues($email = '', $id = 0, $bIndexWithShortnames = false)===
 +<code>commonlib/lib/userlib.php, line 218</code>
 +  * **Explanation:** Get the values of the user attributes for a user by his email address or by his id in the database.
 +  * **Arguments:**
 +    -$email: The email for the user of interest.
 +    -$id: The numerical database ID for the user of interest.
 +    -$bIndexWithShortnames: Set this parameter to true if you want the attributes to keyed by a string concatenated from the word 'attribute' and the ID of the attribute name in the database. The default is that the array returned is keyed by the attribute name.
 +  * **Return value:** An associative array (key => attribute value) 
 +  * **Comments:** You can identify the user by the email address OR by the user's ID. It is not necessary to specify both of these values is the arguments of this function.
 +===getUserConfig($item, $userid = 0)===
 +<code>defaultconfig.php, line 755</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$item
 +    -$userid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>defaultplugin.php, line 115</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>editattributes.php, line 88</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$table
 +    -$delete
 +    -$attributeid
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +<code>user.php, line 62</code>
 +  * Arguments:
 +    -$id
 +  * Return value:
 +  * Comments:
 +|[[|Back]] |[[|  Up to Index]]  | [[|Next]]|