Table of Contents


—- plugin —-
Description: This plugin provides Single Sign-on, SSO for phpList via the `SIMPLESAMLPHP`.
author : Fon E. Noel Nfebe <>
type :
compatible : phpList 3.6.8 and above, PHP 7.4 and above
depends :
conflicts :
similar :
tags : authentication

Source Repository :


Plugin download

To easiest way to setup this plugin is through the plugins page (menu Config > Manage plugins) using the package URL

The plugin may be enabled at this point or after the SimpleSAMLPHP config described below.

SimpleSAMLPHP Installation

This plugin requires an installation of `SIMPLESAMLPHP` to work. So the puglin comes with a ready to use build of SIMPLESAMLPHP. However, it is required that the server on which the phpList instance is running is configured to point to the simplesamlphp folder that comes in the plugin.

Essentially, your-phplist-domain.ext/simplesamlphp should point to the folder in main/simplesaml/simplesamlphp of the extension or a copy of it on your server.

Advanced User: See simplesaml config section in the read me for more detailed information

SimpleSAMLPHP Custom Configuration

By default, this plugin is configured to work with the phpList's Keyclaok server. If you wish to change the identity provider, more configuration would be required. As described below.

In main/simplesaml/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php the following parameters have to be set:

NB: The baseurlpath (which is essentially the simplesamlphp installation URI) is where the IdP returns the SAML response after a successful login. The SAML request would then be parsed and simplesamlphp would redirect back to the phplist url that sent the request or the one set via the RelayState property in the config array of authsources.php within the config dir.

For more information about the custom configuration see Readme config section)

Installation for advanced users (git & terminal)

See the README file on the GitHub page

Plugin Activation

It is recommended to only enable the plugin only after the SIMPLESAMLPHP configs are set in the various configuration files described above and or in the README.

Important Checks

`SimpleSAMLPHP` Installation check

You should verify that for example loads the simplesamlphp files correctly and that loads the simplesamlphp UI like the one shown below.

enter image description here



After cloning the plugin in your plugin directory, you should login normally using your admin credentials and activate the plugin from the plugin management tab.

Identity Provider Redirect

Once the plugin is activated, if you logout the plugin should automatically redirect you the the Identity provider.

Keycloak View


Report any issues or questions in the support forum