====== phpList Themes ======
phpList supports themes which style all pages of the application (administrative web UI and also public subscriber-facing pages).
phpList comes with [[https://github.com/phpList/phplist-ui-bootlist|Trevelin]] theme on default. Older versions than 3.4.6, include additionally [[https://github.com/phpList/phplist-ui-dressprow|Dressprow]] which is not currently maintained. Patches to Dressprow theme are still welcomed. Both themes are available for installation via [[https://github.com/phpList|GitHub]].
===== Installation =====
Each phpList theme is contained within a single directory. To install a theme, put it inside the following phpList directory:
To enable a theme, edit your phpList config.php file and set the following variable, where 'theme-name' is the name of the directory of your theme in above folder:
$ui = 'theme-name';
$ui = 'dressprow';
===== Official themes =====
Two official currently exist:
* [[https://github.com/phpList/phplist-ui-bootstrap|Trevellin]] - the default theme of phpList 3.3.x
* [[https://github.com/phpList/phplist-ui-dressprow|Dressprow]] - the default theme of phpList from 2.11.7 to 3.2.x
===== Styling public pages (for subscribers) =====
In addition to the theming system, it is also possible to customise public pages, e.g. those used by subscribers for changing preferences and joining lists. See the phpList manual chapter '[[https://www.phplist.org/manual/ch025_subscribe-page-design-and-configuration.xhtml|Subscribe page design and configuration ]]'.