====== Plugins for phpList 3 ====== Below are published plugins for phpList 3 from a variety of authors, including community members and phpList Ltd. You can add your own phpList plugin here by posting links on the phpList Forum. [[plugin:addons|Addons]] description: **This plugin adds some small features to phplist.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:amazonses|Amazon SES]] description: **This plugin sends email through Amazon SES using its API. This is for phplist 3.x.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:approvemailing|approvemailing]] description: **This plugin adds a workflow for approval of a mailing campaign before it can be sent out.** author: **Alexander Schmitt (alex) ** ---- [[plugin:attributeselect|attributeselect]] description: **Segment sending to your subscribers based on attribute values.** author: **phplist ** ---- [[plugin:autoresponder|Autoresponder]] description: **Sends a campaign to subscribers based on a period since they subscribed** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:botbouncer|Bot Bouncer]] description: **The plugin checks subscription emails for spam using the Botbouncer class https://github.com/michield/botbouncer.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:bouncestatistics|Bounce Statistics]] description: **Provides statistics on bounces. For phplist 3.x** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:campaignslicer|campaignslicer]] description: **Send a campaign to a subset of the total subscribers** author: **Michiel Dethmers ** ---- [[plugin:campaignstatistics|Campaign Statistics]] description: **Provides statistics on opens, clicks, bounces, forwards, and links of sent campaigns. For phplist 3.x.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:campaigns|Campaigns]] description: **Provides extra commands to manage campaigns.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:captcha|Captcha]] description: **This plugin provides a CAPTCHA field on subscription forms.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:ckeditor|CKEditor]] description: **This plugin provides CKEditor, an HTML text editor, for editing messages and templates. This is for phplist 3.x.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:common|Common]] description: **Supporting classes required by some other plugins.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:conditionalplaceholder|conditionalplaceholder]] description: **Provides conditional placeholders in messages, templates, and the subject line. No longer supported.** author: **Arnold Lesikar ** ---- [[plugin:contentareas|Content Areas]] description: **Use any number of content areas within a campaign's message that can be edited individually.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:cosign|cosign]] description: **This cosign allows you to log in to and out of phpList using cosign as a single sign on system** author: **bradallenfisher ** ---- [[plugin:customheader|customheader]] description: **** author: **Igor Dorfman ** ---- [[plugin:dateplaceholder|dateplaceholder]] description: **Add date related placeholders ** author: **phplist ** ---- [[plugin:dkim|DKIM]] description: **Adds DKIM header to emails** author: **Duncan Cameron ** ---- [[plugin:domainthrottlemap|domainthrottlemap]] description: **group domains for the purpose of domain throttling** author: **phpList ** ---- [[plugin:embedremoteimages|embedremoteimages]] description: **Embed remote images, but allow setting this per campaign** author: **Michiel Dethmers ** ---- [[plugin:fckphplist|fckphplist]] description: **fckphplist** author: **Michiel Dethmers** ---- [[plugin:friendly-captcha|Friendly Captcha]] description: **** author: **Duncan Cameron ** ---- [[plugin:friendlycaptcha|friendlycaptcha]] description: **** author: **Duncan Cameron ** ---- [[plugin:hcaptcha|Hcaptcha]] description: **** author: **duncanc ** ---- [[plugin:housekeeping|Housekeeping]] description: **A plugin to delete old records from the phplist database.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:imap2|IMAP2]] Description: **This plugin enables the phplist bounce processing when the php IMAP extension is not installed.** Author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:imap|IMAP]] description: **Uses the PEAR Net/POP3 package to emulate the php imap\_xxx functions that are used by phplist for bounce processing.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:inlineimage|inlineimage]] description: **Allows embedding attached images into the content of messages. No longer supported.** author: **Arnold Lesikar ** ---- [[plugin:invite|invite]] description: **Send an invite to join the phpList system** author: **phplist ** ---- [[plugin:listcleaner|listcleaner]] description: **Automatically modify subscriber profiles** author: **phplist ** ---- [[plugin:listnameprefix|listnameprefix]] description: **Prefix the subject line of a list message with the list name** author: **Arnold Lesikar ** ---- [[plugin:mailgun|Mailgun]] Description: **This plugin sends email through Mailgun using its API. This is for phplist 3.3.1 and later.** Author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:manageattachment|Manage Attachments]] description: **Lists attachments and lets you delete those not in use. For phplist 3.x.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:moodle|moodle]] description: **Integrate phpList with Moodle** author: **michiel ** ---- [[plugin:oauth2|OAuth2]] description: **** author: **duncanc ** ---- [[plugin:preventdisposable|preventdisposable]] description: **Prevent people from subscribing to a newsletter with an email address which uses a domain that indicates the address is disposable (such as Mailinator)** author: **phplist ** ---- [[plugin:recaptcha|reCAPTCHA]] description: **This plugin provides a Google reCAPTCHA field on subscribe forms.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:recaptchav3|reCAPTCHA V3]] description: **This plugin provides a Google reCAPTCHA V3 field on subscribe forms.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:restapi|restapi]] description: **Rest API for phpList** author: **phplist ** ---- [[plugin:rssfeed|RSS Feed]] description: **Send campaigns that automatically use content from RSS or Atom feeds.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:rssmanager|rssmanager]] description: **rssmanager** author: **Michiel Dethmers** ---- [[plugin:segment|Segment]] description: **Provides segmentation of the subscribers to which a campaign is sent using subscriber attributes and fields.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:sendgrid|SendGrid]] description: **This plugin sends email through SendGrid using its API. This is for phplist 3.1.1 and later.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:simplecaptcha|Simple Captcha]] description: **This plugin provides a CAPTCHA field on subscription forms.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:simplesaml|simplesaml]] Description: **This plugin provides Single Sign-on, `SSO` for `phpList` via the [`SIMPLESAMLPHP`](https://simplesamlphp.org/). ** author: **Fon E. Noel Nfebe ** ---- [[plugin:smtp2go|smtp2go]] description: **This plugin sends email through SMTP2GO using its API. This is for phplist 3.3.1 and later.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:subjectlineplaceholder|subjectlineplaceholder]] description: **Activate placeholders for user attributes in the subject line** author: **Arnold Lesikar ** ---- [[plugin:subjectprefix|subjectprefix]] description: **Prefix the subject line of a list message with whatever text is desired** author: **Arnold Lesikar ** ---- [[plugin:submitbymail|submitbymail]] description: **Allows messages to be submitted to phpList by email for distribution to particular mailing lists, even with attachments. No longer supported.** author: **Arnold Lesikar ** ---- [[plugin:subscribers|subscribers]] description: **Provides additional pages for managing subscribers.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:timezone|timezone]] description: **Allows you to set the php and the mysql timezones.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:tinymce|tinymce]] description: **This plugin provides TinyMCE 4, an HTML text editor, for editing messages and templates. This is for phpList 3.x.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:updater|updater]] description: **This plugin adds a page that updates the phpList code.** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:viewinbrowser|viewinbrowser]] description: **Provides placeholders to view a campaign email in a browser and to display an archive page of all emails sent to a subscriber** author: **Duncan Cameron** ---- [[plugin:ckeditor5|ckeditor5]] description: **This plugin provides CKEditor5, an HTML text editor, for editing messages and templates. This is for phplist 3.x.** author: **Tatevik Grigoryan** ----