====== ckeditor5 plugin ======
---- plugin ----
author : Tatevik Grigoryan
email : tatevik@phplist.com
type : editor
lastupdate : 2025/02/23 15:44
similar : https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/ckeditor/
tags : editor
downloadurl: # eg. http://github.com/tatevikgr/phplist-plugin-ckeditor5/archive/master.zip
bugtracker : # eg. http://github.com/tatevikgr/phplist-plugin-ckeditor5/issues
sourcerepo : # eg. http://github.com/tatevikgr/phplist-plugin-ckeditor5/
===== Purpose =====
This plugin provides CKEditor 5 for editing messages and templates. It also integrates the ElFinder file manager to provide file uploading and browsing.
===== Installation =====
Install the plugin using the [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually.
===== Configuration =====
==== config.php ====
The UPLOADIMAGES_DIR value in config.php must be set to the location of a directory where ELFinder can store uploads. The directory must be writable by the web server. Note that the value is relative to the web root and must not contain a leading '/'.
define('UPLOADIMAGES_DIR', 'upload');
The upload directory will be shared by all admins. You can give each admin their own private directory using
define('IMAGE_DIR_PER_ADMIN', true);
ELFinder will use a subdirectory of UPLOADIMAGES_DIR named after the admin login id (1, 2, 3 etc.), creating the subdirectory on first-use. The subdirectory is private to the admin, and there is no sharing of image files.
==== Settings page ====
The Settings page has a CKEditor group where you can configure the plugin.
* Whether to disallow javascript. The default setting is ''Yes'' in which case ''