====== campaignslicer ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Send a campaign to a subset of the total subscribers author : Michiel Dethmers email : michiel@phplist.com type : lastupdate : 2018/11/18 21:58 compatible : depends : conflicts : similar : tags : downloadurl: https://github.com/michield/phplist-plugin-campaignslicer/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/michield/phplist-plugin-campaignslicer/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/michield/phplist-plugin-campaignslicer donationurl: ---- ===== Purpose ===== This plugin allows you to set a "cap" of the total mails to send. This may be useful to avoid going over certain limits, if you don't mind it going out to all subscribers.