====== Manage Campaigns ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Provides extra commands to manage campaigns. author : Duncan Cameron type : lastupdate : 2014-02-16 compatible : phpList 3 depends : conflicts : similar : tags : campaigns sourcerepo : https://github.com/bramley/phplist-plugin-campaigns ---- ====== Purpose ====== This plugin provides additional commands to manage campaigns - copy, delete, edit, and resend. ====== Installation ====== See the README file on the GitHub page https://github.com/bramley/phplist-plugin-campaigns ====== Usage ====== The plugin provides extra commands to handle campaigns, beyond those in core phpList. The page is accessed through the "Manage Campaigns" item on the Campaigns menu and lets you * copy a campaign to a new campaign * delete a campaign, regardless of its status * edit a campaign, regardless of its status * resend a campaign to specific subscribers It also provides the core phpList functions of requeue a campaign and deletes draft campaigns. Be careful if you have enabled click tracking and delete a "sent" message because the campaign's click tracking data will also be deleted and clicks of links in the campaign will no longer work. {{ :plugin:manage_campaigns1.png?nolink&700 |}} ---- {{ :plugin:manage_campaigns2.png?nolink&700 | The page to resend a campaign to specific subscribers}} ====== Support ====== Please raise any questions or problems in the user forum https://discuss.phplist.org/