preventdisposable Plugin

—- plugin —-

description: Prevent people from subscribing to a newsletter with an email address which uses a domain that indicates the address is disposable (such as Mailinator) author : phplist email : type : subscribe lastupdate : 2013/06/25 22:10 compatible : 3.x depends : conflicts : similar : tags : spam

downloadurl: bugtracker : sourcerepo :


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Once installed you need to edit the subscribe page and check the box to activate the prevention on that page. It will only work with configured subscribe pages. You can also enter the text to display when an email address was blocked.

Change Log

  • 2013-06-25
    • Initial release

ToDo/Wish List

  • Add some statistics or logging
  • Add a crowdsourced way to increase the list of domains and patterns


  1. Why use this. As much as disposable mails may be nice to avoid receiving spam, it will fill up the phpList database with incorrect addresses and unnecessarily increase traffic. It is also highly unlikely the subscriber will remember the disposable address and check it for newsletters.
