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Custom header

—- plugin —-

description: author : Igor Dorfman type : lastupdate : 2019-02-01 compatible : 3.x depends : conflicts : similar : tags :

downloadurl: bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl:


Includes one custom header inside every email sent. Header name and header text are adjustable via Configuration page.


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to User's manual on additional information.


How to enable Google Feedback Loop functionality by using this plugin:

  • Install the plugin and enable it
  • Go to Configuration panel, Reporting settings section.
  • Set the “Custom email header name” field to “Feedback-ID”, set the “Custom email header text” field to your campaign identifier, e.g. “tomysweetsubscribers”.
  • That's it. A header “Feedback-ID: tomysweetsubscribers” will be presented in every email sent.


There are only two setting fields namely “Custom email header name” and “Custom email header text”.